Monday, May 18, 2015

The Poor Person's Guide to Being Poorer...

The Poor Person's Guide to Being Poorer...
I started this blog, because I was tired of seeing links on Pinterest saying "A Million Ways to Save Money!" and "Great Ways to Cut Back on Spending". Only to click the link and find things that were just "No Brainers" I was telling my husband that there needed to be a place to learn how to be poorer, how to REALLY save money, with more creative ways than just "Make food at home". Hubby responded that I should make a blog because most of the things that I do to save money aren't always what "Normal" people would think of. So that is how this blog was born. I am going to show you what I do to save and what I want to try and do. (After all, someone has to be the guinea pig on trying new ideas!) I will show you ways that I have made money from nothing or from "trash". These ideas aren't just for poor people, but for people who want to save money. Might as well save money where you can and take the money you saved and use it for other things! I hope you find some helpful tips on how to save and how to make your family a little extra money.